Monday, November 30, 2009

Lennar: Get Free Crepes Dec. 5th...and There Are Homes for Sale Too! By Geniusofdespair

Here is a unique marketing strategy. Show up Dec. 5th to buy a Lennar property and get free crepes cooked to order. Be sure to RSVP for the event. I am getting hungry just looking at the reverse side of this flyer with a big plate of Blueberry houses pictured...just the crepes with a dollop of whipped cream. Warning: They say it is a "Festive Reception" so you might want to dress appropriately. To see crepes:


Anonymous said...

We should all go to this and eat up all their crepes. Drawback: I assume you have to listen to the marketing speech first.

Anonymous said...

Tempt your palette? A palette is one of those boards that painters use. Surely they meant "palate." Gee, the building industry must be suffering so much that they can't afford first-class copywriters any more.

Jill said...

Sounds like an Adam Ant tune.. "can't build, can't spell,what can you do..."